Pioneer Park Foundation, Inc. is a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization that manages a permanent Trust Fund to protect and maintain Pioneer Park in St. Petersburg, FL. Charitable donations for the ongoing care of Pioneer Park are welcomed and needed to maintain the Park in peak condition with seasonal flowers and enhanced upkeep. Donations may be made in honor of or in memory of friends and loved ones. Your donation is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Please use the link to make a donation online or send checks to: 

Pioneer Park Foundation, Inc. 
C/O Sabal Trust 
101 Central Avenue
St. Petersburg, FL, 33701

Federal Tax ID #59-1728268.



HOW TO: Specify Your Donations

Donations may be made in honor of or in memory of friends and loved ones. Your donation is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Step 1: To begin the process, click the DONATE button

Step 2: Choose whether you want your donation to be One Time or Recurring

Step 3: Enter Donation Amount

Step 4: Choose Donation Type

Please specify whether you want your gift to be made “In Honor Of,”  “In Memory Of” or “General Donation” using the drop-down box.









Step 5: “Donate with Debit or Credit Card”

Next, please choose whether you want to “Donate with Debit or Credit Card” button. If you would like to donate with PayPal, press the “Donate with PayPal” button.









Step 6: “Name of the person you’d like to honor?”

Click the “Name of the person you’d like to honor?” button to enter their name. When you click this, a text box will appear in which you can type your person’s name. After you have entered their name, enter your information in the boxes provided to complete the transaction.

Once you’re done, press the “Donate Now” button.